Learning Support
St Killian’s College is committed to the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, which offers equal access for all our students. As a college, we recognise that some students during their career may have additional educational needs and we will make every possible arrangement to provide for their individual needs.
- To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum as a right for all students in our college.
- To ensure that all children with additional needs feel valued, have a positive self-image and are encouraged to participate in all activities.
- To promote the inclusion of all students with additional needs.
- To create a caring and supportive environment in which students can contribute to the planned provision for their individual learning needs and are given some personal responsibility for their own progress.
- To identify children with additional educational needs as early as possible in consultation with all teachers and relevant personnel.
- To offer guidance and reassurance to parents of those children with additional educational needs, taking into account the wishes, feelings and knowledge of parents at all stages.
- To ensure that all teachers in the college have an opportunity to develop and utilise all resources in support of students with additional educational needs

Special Educational Needs
A pupil is regarded as having special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
A pupil may be said to have a learning difficulty if they:-
a) Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age and / or
b) Have a disability which either prevents or hinders the child from making use of education facilities generally provided for children of the same age in ordinary (mainstream) schools.
A pupil is regarded as having a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial or long-term (more than a year) adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision
Special educational needs provision means that which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of the same age in ordinary (mainstream) schools.
One of the most important responsibilities we as a school have is providing pathways for children to succeed, to build on their individual strengths and indeed individual personalities.
We strive to ensure all students are happy and cared for at St. Killian’s College. That all students are provided with the best opportunities to achieve their goals and are fully prepared for life after St. Killian’s.
Learning Support Staff
Learning Support Assistants | |
K Agnew | C Feeney |
A Allen | G McNaughton |
M Close | L McNaughton |
C Gillan | A McNeill |
M Gleeson | S McSparran |
M Gowdy | K Tarasenkiene |
M Johnston | S Thompson |
KA McCurdy | L O'Kane |
C Gardner | E Robinson |
J Trainor | C Black |
O McKeegan | M McReynolds |
C Wright | R Rossborough |
1. What kind of help can be offered to pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability?
• A strong and experienced pastoral team
• Differentiated materials in lessons
• Teaching Assistant support
• Individual and small group literacy programmes
• Additional numeracy support
• A variety of programmes to help pupils improve their social skills and their behaviour
• Technology for access
2. How are pupils included in the planning for their support and provision?
At St. Killian’s College, excellent relationships are fostered between students and members of staff to ensure all pupils feel comfortable and confident when having conversations about their education.
3. When a pupil requires additional provision, this will be explained to that pupil as appropriate.
Pupils have the opportunity to voice any concerns or troubles they may be experiencing with their form tutors or any member of staff.
When reviewing provision, pupils will meet as appropriate with the LSCo, Head of Year or form teacher to resolve any worries they may have and promote understanding.
Well-established links and close co-operation with feeder schools ensures that appropriate provision is in place when pupils start at St Killian’s College. Parents and guardians are encouraged to provide relevant information about their child’s special educational needs.
4. How will my child be assessed and how will the school help you to support your child’s learning?
Every pupil in the school is assessed formally throughout the academic year and data is reported to parents along with information about whether or not your child is on track to achieve their target grade. Once per year this data is accompanied by summary comments from the form teacher and head of year.
If a student is not making the expected progress or a record of concern has been raised by the students form teacher appropriate intervention and sourcing of any additional support will be put in place.
5. How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?
We have an outstanding induction programme in place for welcoming new pupils to the school. The LSCo and/or Head of KS3 will communicate with the primary SENCO and Primary 7 teacher to ensure all information is passed on and SEN information is transferred. Additional induction is provided to all as part of the normal induction process. Additional transition visits can be arranged for Primary 7 pupils.
6. Who should we contact if we have initial concerns?
Complete the form below or alternatively, email the school at info@stkillians.carnlough.ni.sch.uk and the relevant member of staff will be notified.