Department Staff | |
"To empower young people to achieve their potential, to make informed responsible decisions throughout their lives and consequently make a contribution to society, the economy and the environment"
DENI 'Preparing for Success'
Given the rapidly changing world of the local and global economy, the demands of working life are constantly changing too. Consequently the challenges facing our young school leavers require them to be competent, skilled and effective in making decisions that enable them to take their place as confident contributors to society.
Schools have a statutory duty to provide careers education and to give students access to quality careers information, advice and guidance.
Departmental Vision
The Careers Department here in St Killian's College is committed to providing a planned and relevant programme of CEIAG for all students in years 10-14 in order that they become effective decision makers, empowered to successfully manage their own career and employability development throughout their lives.