
Department Staff


What is Maths?

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, and space. It is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries. Mathematics has several very useful benefits but most importantly it is good for our minds! The subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised. Mathematics helps us to understand and change the World.

Why do we teach Maths at St Killian’s?

At St Killian’s College our maths curriculum aims to develop students’ mathematical confidence allowing them to become resilient learners who can solve a range of complex problems and can also critically analyse the world around us. We believe that students deserve a creative and ambitious mathematics curriculum that is rich in skills and filled with opportunities to ignite curiosity. We seek to expose them to the importance of mathematics through a universal language which underpins many other areas of the curriculum. Mathematics at St Killian’s gives students opportunities to become fluent in the basic concepts, reason mathematically and build resilience through problem solving by using the skills they have acquired. This will lead to logical thinking which builds students into well rounded and aspirational citizens of the future.

Mathematics is important for students in many other areas of study, particularly Science and Technology. It is also important in everyday living, in many forms of employment, and in public decision-making.

How do we teach Maths at St Killian’s?

Our curriculum is put together so that the interconnected nature of mathematics is prevalent, and topics are not simply taught as unrelated areas of maths. Our curriculum bases future teaching on previously taught building blocks which allows students to deepen their understanding, frequently revisit content and apply their mathematics to a variety of new contexts to ensure mastery of all skills. We will also carefully vary the practice questions so that mechanical repetition is avoided, and critical thinking is required. We believe that frequent and efficient retrieval of key facts and procedures will allow students the flexibility to move freely between different contexts. Students will be able to connect new ideas to concepts that have already been understood and hence identify any misconceptions that could occur.

Each Mathematics lesson is designed to fully challenge students while still being accessible to all through differentiated teacher support. Every lesson is carefully planned by the individual teacher, allowing them to implement their own teaching styles and tailor the content of the lesson to the specific class in front of them. Fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills are developed in every lesson. Maths lessons will feature clear modelling, class discussions, assessment, and independent practice.

How does Maths change at St Killian’s at Key Stage 4 and Post 16?

In Key Stage 4 and Post 16, students will learn to apply the subject knowledge they acquired throughout their previous study in more complex and sophisticated ways. Students will experience questions that go beyond routine and repetition so they will be required to think about what skills or concepts need to be applied in different contexts. This progress will help students become more confident and resilient problem solvers by encouraging them to try out different methods in order to see what works and what doesn’t. Students will start to appreciate the actual process behind reaching an answer.

Students will also be formally introduced to exam style questions and will have the opportunity to develop their exam techniques including common errors and misconceptions, layout and workings, checking answers, mastering using a calculator, command words and how to tackle wordy questions.


Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4 and 5

Clubs, Trips, Links